Wednesday, February 11, 2015

5 Things the Best Salespeople Never Do

by Ken K.
-The Sales Side
November 20, 2014

If you’ve worked more than one sales job then you’ve had more than one top sales rep as a co-worker. There is one (or more) in every organization. Usually their numbers are insane while everyone else is wondering how they did it. Well the best salespeople all have some things in common, and it’s usually not something they’re born with. Here are five things that the top sales reps at a company never do:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Control the Process and Make the Sale

by Joe Verde
for Agent Entrepreneur
January 8, 2015

I get this question a lot from salespeople, “Why do you say we have to be in control if people already know what they want?”
Because 86% don’t buy what they said they wanted and too often, salespeople assume their prospects won’t slow down and let them do their job just because they come on the lot and say, “We know we want a white X-40 SUV with 3rd row seating – do you have one and how much is it?”
Since selling is a process, if you’re going to sell a lot of cars and make a lot of money, then you’re going to have to learn how to control every step of the process, which includes slowing things down and learning how to direct the conversation.